Table des matières

Anciennes versions 1.2

support.pepper1.be_images_1299574116255.jpg (28/01/2011) (10/01/2011) (30/12/2010) (28/12/2010) (17/12/2010) (16/12/2010)

1.2.016 (17/11/2010)

1.2.015 (annoncée)

1.2.014 (26/07/2010)

1.2.013 (16/07/2010)

1.2.009 (à venir)

1.2.008 bis (20/05/2010)

1.2.008 (14/05/2010)

1.2.007 (30/04/2010)

1.2.006 (16/04/2010)

1.2.005 (08/03/2010)

1.2.004 (20/01/2010 )

1.2.003 (01/12/2009)

1.2.002 (01/11/2009 )

1.2.001 ( 01/10/2009)

Script update 1.0 -> 1.2

-- add field workPermitRequired on worker UPDATE worker SET workPermitRequired = 0 GO ALTER TABLE worker ALTER COLUMN workPermitRequired [tinyint] NOT NULL GO -- add field visaRequired on worker UPDATE worker SET visaRequired = 0 GO ALTER TABLE worker ALTER COLUMN visaRequired [tinyint] NOT NULL GO -- add field residentCardRequired on worker UPDATE worker SET residentCardRequired = 0 GO ALTER TABLE worker ALTER COLUMN residentCardRequired [tinyint] NOT NULL GO

Update critère 1.2

Changer 9 par group de l'agence à migrer <!-- Migration Job To Qualification --> insert into qualification (evaluation,creationDate,templateId,workerQualificationId, linkToJobId) select 0, job.creationDate, templateId, workerJobId, id from job, worker where templateId is not null and job.workerJobId=worker.workerId and worker.defaultGroupId=9; <!-- Migration Qualificationtemplate To Qualification --> insert into qualification (evaluation,creationDate,templateId,workerQualificationId, linkToQualificationTemplateId) select 0, worker.creationDate, elt, worker_qualificationtemplate.workerId, elt from worker_qualificationtemplate, worker where worker.workerId=worker_qualificationtemplate.workerId and worker.defaultGroupId=9; <!-- Migration ProfessionalDevelopment to Qualification --> insert into qualification (evaluation,creationDate,templateId,workerQualificationId, linkToProfessionalDevelopmentTypeJobId) select 0, professionaldevelopment.creationDate, qualificationTemplate, professionalDevelopmentId, from professionaldevelopment, professionaldevelopmenttypejob, worker where and professionalDevelopmentId=worker.workerId and worker.defaultGroupId=9;